Shamanism FAQ
What is a Shaman?
The word “shaman” comes from the tribes of Siberia and translates as “spiritual healer” or “one who sees in the dark”. The Shaman is able to access the realm of the spirit in order to facilitate healing, divination and power restoration. In traditional cultures, the Shaman would be honoured as a healer, mystic, and leader of ceremonies to bless a house, bless land, mark the change of seasons, and to mark life transitions. The shaman would work on behalf of people, communities and nature to restore balance, harmony and well-being for all.
What types of health issues can shamanic healing address?
Shamanic healing can address many different concerns ranging from localized pain, stress, past traumas, low self esteem, negative belief systems, chronic fatigue, lack of creativity, anxiety, healing from accidents, surgeries, inherited family patterns and co-dependent relationships.
What is a shamanic journey?
A shamanic practitioner will either use a rattle or a drum in a specific rhythm in order to enter into a Shamanic State of Consciousness. In this state, the practitioner can then access the realms of non-ordinary reality. The shamanic practitioner can then access healing energies to bring about balance for people, communities and places.
What is a Power Animal and why do I need one?
In indigenous cultures, it is believed that each person has a power animal. This acts as a spirit guardian for protection and well-being. Power animals also acts as teachers, to help the person embody those qualities that they have. For instance, a wolf may teach you about the power of community, butterfly can teach you to embrace joy in life, whale can help you to open your intuition and buffalo can teach manifestation of abundance through right action. By working with a power animal, it will help to bring you into balance in your life, empower you and restore your connection to nature and your true nature. By being in relationship with your power animal , it is believed by indigenous cultures that you will fall less likely to illness and misfortune and to keep us physically and emotionally healthy. A power animal is similar to the belief of guardian angels in the Christian tradition.
Do You Use Ayahuasca Or Other Psychotropic Drugs?
My shamanic practice is totally drug-free. I do not lead ayahuasca ceremonies. Many shamans across the globe do not use psychotropic drugs but instead utilize a practice of drumming and rattling to shift consciousness in order to access the spiritual realms in a safe and balanced way and this is my practice too.
Ayahuasca, Peyote and other psychotropic plants are a part of specific shamanic cultural traditions. These plants are native to their indigenous lands, and their use is supported by their culture, their ancestors, the elders and teachers who initiated them into shamanism. People who are not from these indigenous cultures that expose themselves to these plants, may expose themselves to health risks and adverse effects of the plants. My shamanic practice is heart centred and I practice shamanism in in a safe and compassionate way.